Saturday, June 11, 2011

Virtual Story - 3

The customer is one the leading Manufacturing company in India with annual business of over 400 M$ . They used to buy close to 300+ Desktops every year. The purchase happens on a monthly or quarterly basis and during every purchase cycle we always get in to an issue with the pricing / configuration set up etc. The customer also had a challenge on managing the different brand and configuration of desktops across the campus and also on their warehouses on remote location.

During one of the meetings, our partner has positioned HP Desktop Virtualization story to the customer and then after that our Account Manager did a detailed presentation of the solution. The CIO and their team liked the solution very much and appreciated the presentation. This was followed by a detailed POC. The customer really liked the solution and then we have been asked to work on a 100 user pilot VDI set up (VMWARE). This involved designing the server configuration to storage for 100 users to VMWARE VDI Suite software and suggesting a suitable Thinclient at the client side.

After doing a complete preparation, our team went in for a detailed solution presentation and after looking at the presentations from different vendors the customer was impressed with the solution from HP and they wanted to go ahead with HP. The only challenge was that the IT budget remained the same and the customer wanted to go in for the solution @ same cost of a Desktop, and they also did not wanted to compromise on the server / Thinclient or Storage configurations suggested.

This posed us a serious challenge in the beginning. Initially we were surprised on how a we can execute the solution, then we started thinking what if we do and then we started thinking on how this can be done. After that we had series of meetings with the IT team with the customer, and after two months of detailed discussions with the customer we have come out with a solution which was coming close to their expectation and the solution was implemented at the customer location.

The Solution BOM:

- HP C3000 Blade Enclosure

- Three Dual processor Servers – (Each with 48 GB Memory)

- HP NAS – 4TB

- T5145 Thinclient

The below are the key points which helped us to WIN this deal.

- Working closely with the customer IT team. Discussing and involving them on every stage of BOM Finalization (They know the requirements and current challenges better than us)

- Desktop Virtualization is totally different from Server Virtualization – Suggesting the solution considering this

- The IT teams expectation on Desktop Virtualization is totally different from Server Virtualization – Suggest a solution considering this

- Suggest the right model and BOM of what is needed for the customer

This also highlighted the fact that most of the CIO’s wanted to go with Virtualization solution but are not able to take this for a practical implementation as the solution offered to them are not meeting their requirement (Technically / Financially). Suggesting a right solution by working closely with them certainly will help us to WIN the customer.

The above WIN also helped us to understand the clear business requirements from the Manufacturing companies and how Desktop Virtualization can help them. We have good reference in the Manufacturing vertical and can work out a detailed solution to meet their requirements.

The below are the few of the areas where EBU solutions are being implemented (Thinclients / Digital Signage)

- Production Line – Accessing the application from the central server (Few customers also has got 42” / 47”Digital Signage for displaying the production information)

- Back office purpose – Finance / Materials Department / Supply Chain etc.

- Ware House – Thinclients for accessing the ERP applications

- Weigh bridge – In the Entry / Exit of the Factories

- Show rooms / Service offices (Digital Signage)

- Designing Environment

We have many leading Manufacturing Companies (Automobile / Battery / Heavy Industries etc.) already effectively using HP Desktop Virtualization solution, and we can work with you on designing a detailed End to End solution for your customer as well.

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